EY and WiredScore found out what's stopping productivity in the workplace

In March 2020, WiredScore partnered up with Ernst & Young (EY) to conduct a piece of data-based research into the typical reasons behind reduced productivity in the workplace. 


The study was conducted in Germany and incorporates the views of 500 people, the purpose of which was to gain insight into the factors that influence occupier satisfaction, and to understand the impact bad internet connection has on productivity.

The results identified a clear link between overall office satisfaction and the quality of the internet connection, with unreliable internet having a direct impact on day-to-day productivity. This research also shows that connectivity has overtaken location when it comes to the primary concern of a satisfied office user, with accessibility and lighting conditions following close behind. 

Key Results

It’s important to note that the results were based on answers given in a pre-Covid-19 environment. The results of this research could indicate that connectivity may become an even higher priority in a world post Covid-19, with digital connectivity becoming the lifeline of many businesses, enabling business continuity across a disparate workforce.

Incluencing factors

Bad internet connection


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